Shop Our Wellness CBD Oil Tinctures

Convenient, easy to take, and delicious. Our CBD Oil Tinctures are a precise and potent way to revamp and streamline your wellness routine. Customize your serving with our dropper applicator and measure the exact amount of CBD you need to be your best self.

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Shop Our Wellness CBD Oil Tinctures Products

Visit our FAQs, Lab Testing, or What Is CBD page(s) to learn more.

CBD Oil Orange Flavor - 1,000 MG CBD

CBD tinctures are safe, effective, potent, promote an active lifestyle, and can be added to your daily routine. Great tasting. Made from local ingredients.

$59.99 (4.5 REVIEWS)

CBD Oil Mint Flavor - 1,000 MG

CBD tinctures are safe, effective, potent, promote an active lifestyle, and can be added to your daily routine. Great tasting. Made from local ingredients.

$59.99 (4.5 REVIEWS)

* Consumer Warnings

Consumers should consult a licensed healthcare professional if pregnant, breastfeeding, currently taking medications, or under eighteen years of age.

Products containing cannabinoids should be kept out of the reach of children. 

**Product Statements

The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 

The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

All information presented here is not meant to substitute or to act as an alternative to information obtained from health care professionals. 

Kindly consult your health care professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any CBD products.

The Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act requires posting this notice for CBD products having more or less than 0.30% THC.